Thursday, August 24, 2017

Weekly Update

The day Tenley had been waiting for had finally arrived- her first day of Kindergarten! I wasn't even sad because she was so excited:

We dropped Everly and Wesley off at Lindsay's and took Tenley to school. She literally pulled us through the parking lot and couldn't get in fast enough:

She started running into friends; which got her even more excited:

She loved showing us the library, book fair signs and her classroom:

She found her seat, started doing a puzzle and was in her element. She didn't even flinch as we said goodbye:

It felt so weird leaving her behind, but I was so proud of her for being so brave. She has changed so much in the past year and I can't believe she is now in Kindergarten:

We picked up the twins (thanks, Linds!!), then headed home so Ed could leave for work. Stevie and the kids came over so we could pass the time until we had to pick up our big kids:

Tenley was so excited to see us at pick-up and told us alllll about her first day! She is obsessed with the library and was so excited that they went to the library to read 'The Kissing Hand' and made a kissing hand:

I had to work Monday and was bummed to miss bedtime. When I came home Ed told me I had flowers delivered to me and I was so confused because he just got me roses yesterday. When I walked in the kitchen I saw this beautiful bouquet with the sweetest note from Amy (she's such a peach):
(Thanks, Boo!!)

On Tuesday, Tenley's school wears green as a reminder to be kind and fill each other's buckets. Tenley was so excited to go to school and start filling people's buckets:

All of a sudden, the tables turned and Tenley did not want me to leave. I was stunned because she is the most outgoing and confident person I know. I had to leave her in the line and watch her cry behind the fence; which was the most heartbreaking thing ever:

Thank God Amy met us at the park after drop-off because I was sick to my stomach and needed to take my mind off of Tenley. The kids had fun playing with Lukey:

The time dragged on, but when I picked Tenley up she said she had a great day! Her teacher said she cried for about 45 minutes, then was able to settle down and enjoy her time at school. She loves doing crafts, but her "I feel ___" craft broke my heart:

That night I taught Pure Barre Henderson's Empower preview and it was such a rush! The energy in the room was intense and everyone killed it:

(You are all ROCKSTARS!)

After class, Kristine knew I was having a hard time with Tenley and brought me a bag full of Oreos; which is why she's the best and worst:
(Thanks, Kristine!)

Tenley opened up to me and told me that a girl in her class pushed her on the first day and that she's scared to go to school now. I pumped her up with confidence and surprised her with an Evie shirt and told her to be brave like Evie. She was all smiles until it was time to say goodbye. Legit, heart breaking. Leaving her in tears left me feeling crippled all day. I need to leave her just like this to be okay- smiley:

Again, feeling Oreo's to the rescue:

I couldn't wait to pick Tenley up and Amy snapped this sweet shot of me walking in with the twins:
(Can I just mention how weird it is that Amy and I partake in drop-off's together?! Awesome.)

Tenley brought home her school work; which went from nervous to sad. Seriously, breaking my heart:

Tenley made us matching friendship bracelets awhile ago and we came up with the idea to both wear them so when we missed each other we could put our bracelet near our heart. Plus, I promised her if she didn't cry Thursday or Friday I'd take her to get her nails done. It worked and we had dry eyes Thursday morning:

I felt like I could function since I left her happy so I took the kids to the park:

After the park I went to get my nails done and Ev sat there so sweetly and softly asked the lady, "can you pwease paint me nails puple?" No one can say no to her and it absolutely made her day:

Courtney's friend Shelly was working in the lunch room Thursday and sent Court this picture of Tenley eating her lunch that had me bawling my eyes out. It was so nice to see her looking so happy at school:
(Thanks for making my day, Shelly and Courtney!)

Tenley had a great day at school and told me she made a new friend named Scarlette and drew this cute picture of the two of them:

I worked Thursday night so Ed made Tenley's lunch. She loves that I draw on her sandwich bags and my heart melted when I saw that Ed drew on Tenley's bag (and even drew an Evie crown!):

On Friday morning, Tenley snuck my phone and took selfies and videos. When she was done she told me she left me surprises on my phone and the videos had me laughing and crying:

Tenley and Jackson matched for Spirit Day and looked so adorable:

She couldn't hold back her tears Friday morning, but thank God for Jackson because he calms Tenley down. He holds her hand as they walk in and doesn't let go until the bell rings:

The kids and I did our grocery shopping for the week, then spent the rest the the day relaxing:

I make sure I'm always first in line to pick Tenley up, just in case she's had a bad day and wants me right away. When I was waiting in line I met another mother and father. I was saying how Tenley was having a rough time saying goodbye to me in the mornings, but was loving school. The other mother said her son was doing really well and the father said his daughter was having a rough time in class. The mother asked what he meant and he said that his daughter has had her seat moved everyday for hitting and being mean to kids. My gut instantly told me that his daughter was the one who pushed Tenley. Sure enough, I was right. I went silent searching for the words to say. I said, "my daughter has actually mentioned your daughter. Maybe we can hang back after school and properly introduce them so they can have another friend in class?" He seemed relieved. When Tenley came out I crouched down to talk to her so only she could hear me. I told her I met the dad of the girl who pushed her and that he actually told me that she was having a really hard time in school. I reminded her how it doesn't feel nice to not have friends and that maybe this girl just needs a friend and wouldn't have such a hard time in school anymore if she had a friend. I didn't even need to say another word, she walked right over to her and embraced her with such a heartfelt hug. She waved bye to her and said, "have a good weekend! See you on Monday!" My heart turned into a puddle of mush and I instantly started crying. I held it together in front of her ALL week, but it was such a proud moment. She may be sensitive and cry because she doesn't want to leave me and I guess that's ok because being sensitive and sweet is such an amazing quality!

She also made a 'My First Week ROCKED' crown at school on Friday and looked so grown up in it (and was beaming because I had already told 10 people how proud of her I was at this point):

Amy and the kids came over after school and they had so much fun hanging out with Ed while Amy and I went to work out:

Ev and Wes cuddled Saturday morning and Wes said to her, "here gimme your hand! I gonna kiss it." They have the sweetest bond:

After some cuddles, I attended Mish's Balance and Strength Intensive and it was amazing:

Tenley wanted to swim Saturday and since she had a rough week whatever she said went:

Wes had his first T-ball meeting Saturday afternoon so Ed took the twins and I took Tenley to get her nails done since I was so proud of her. Fancy pants chose to get her nails painted yellow with heart eye emojis (did you expect anything less?):

Ed has been super busy at work and is running the remodel of 4 schools in town so on Saturday he spent some time working on the prints and even let Tenley make some marks on the blueprints:

After work Sunday morning, we met Amy and the gang at the movies to see 'The Emoji Movie'. We thought it was ok, but the kids loved it:

This may have been the longest, most emotional week EVER!! Fingers crossed drop off is better next week...until then! :)

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