I took the kids with me to work Monday morning. Of course, they had to get donuts next door before I put them to work:
The kids kept peeking in on Cassi's class and she even came by to give them kisses through the glass:
After the morning classes, we took some pics in the studio. In between pictures the kids were crawling on me and trying to do everything Mommy did. I'm so grateful to have a job that embraces me as a mom and encourages me to stay strong and healthy for them:
That afternoon Tenley had an appointment with her Pediatrician because she's had a rash on her wrist for quite some time now. Her teacher told me it seemed to bother her sometimes and I noticed it spread to her knuckles and elbow. She's always had sensitive skin so we just thought it was her sensitivities acting up, but the Ped was confident that it was psoriasis. We were devastated, but at the same time grateful that it wasn't worse. He prescribed her a steroid creme and I went crazy going from already clean products in the house to even cleaner. We're praying that the creme and cleaner body products will help her body be less itchy and help reduce her flare ups. It is a disease that lasts a lifetime, but I'm praying she can grow out of it-- fingers crossed!
Tuesday mornings are my absolute favorite! Volunteering in Tenley's class makes my heart SO happy. The kids are so sweet and innocent. I love chatting with them and seeing them learn. I especially love getting in some extra time with Tenley. Girlfriend killed her phrases and her charm necklace is stacked:
The twins reviewed some letters at school on Tuesday and Tenley brought home a journal from school. Inside the journal, I saw an entry about Ev and Wes' birthday, how they got Calico Critters and played together. Their homework is my fav:
Tuesday evening Wes had hockey. He continues to get better without his cone and loves it; which makes all the running around worth it:
I had a dentist appointment Wednesday morning and the twins were rockstars so I treated them to a trip to Target. Of course, Ev picked a 'LOL Confetti Pop' and Wes picked 'Grossery Gangs':
I woke up in Ev's throw-up Thursday morning... mom life at its finest. Poor girl couldn't keep anything down and only wanted to lay down:
Wes was feeling fine so I attempted to bring him to school and surprisingly he went. He cried a bit and didn't want to leave Ev behind, but was fine going in as long as I walked him to the door. Poor Ev was miserable during the school drop-offs:
It was odd only having Ev home. I honestly don't think we've ever been solo before. We cuddled on the couch and shortly after she was down for the count:

She was still asleep when I had to leave to pick Wesley up, but thankfully Lyndsey picked up Wes and Cam. Wes came busting through the door, immediately waking Everly up. She woke up talkative and looked so much better; which was perfect because Wes insisted on telling Ev all about 'Groundhog's Day':
Since Ev was feeling better I gave her a bubble bath so she could relax the rest of the night:
I kept Ev home on Friday just for safe measure. It was so nice spending some alone time with her when she was feeling well! We went to the grocery store, did some shopping and relaxed at home before picking up brother. Wes brought home a groundhog mask; which I found to be a little creepy:
Tenley also learned about 'Groundhog's Day' and couldn't stop talking about how we have 6 more weeks of winter:
Our Saturday was jam packed! First the girls had dance and cheer:
After GymCats, we headed straight to Lily and Olivia's 4th birthday party. Jess is such an overachiever when it comes to birthday parties and we love it! The girls had a Mermaids and Pirates party at the park and it was perfect. The kids had a blast playing with their preschool pals and loved celebrating the birthday girls:
(Happy birthday, sweet girls!!)
That evening we had a parent meeting for Wes' 'Learn to Skate' program at City National Arena. He was so excited to skate wherever he wanted and the girls were pumped to skate, too! We had such a fun night and decided we have to make this an every week/ every other week thing because it was so much fun! Since Wes is in the program we all skate for free and who doesn't love a good free time?! We sure do:
Watching Wes ice skate is so much fun! He's like a completely different boy. The joy in his face is priceless:
I started Super Bowl Sunday taking and teaching a double! We had a JT playlist and dressed up in our football gear; which made for a pretty fun morning of work:
We spent the rest of our Sunday being lazy and watching the Super Bowl!
Until next week! :)
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