Tenley started pulling herself up this week...
She now does it all the time...
(Notice her fake laugh???? She does it ALL. THE. TIME. It cracks me up!)
...and is even practicing standing:
Her crawling skills continue to get better and better:
Good thing we dropped T's crib on it's lowest setting last week because baby girl got real adventurous this week and would be on all fours just straight bird-doggin' us when we would walk past her nursery. Tenley also woke up with the sniffles this week and looked absolutely adorable in her crib. I just couldn't resist snapping a picture of her cuteness:
Baby tried carrots for the first time and they are hands down her FAVORITE. I mean this chick can not get enough of them! She absolutely loves them:
...and continued to to crawl around the house:
After toy shopping and a quick parking lot feeding Tenley wanted to sit in the driver's seat:
Baby tried organic apple puffs this weekend and loved them! It's fun to watch her try to get them in her mouth:
Her LOVE-FEST with carrots continued:
Watch her devour this jar of carrots:
Baby took a long nap after the park and woke up ready to play again:
She is getting so good at moving that it's scary. Not only do I have a baby, but I have a baby that is mobile... Yikes!!
Until next week! :)