Tenley and I were stoked for Father's Day this year. We decided to make something crafty so we hit up Hobby Lobby to get our creative juices flowing. Tenley and I got all the items we needed and we worked on our surprise for Daddy ALL week. It was total torture to actually wait until Father's Day to give it to him.
Tenley was so excited for Daddy to open his gifts that she woke up at 7am that morning. Ed offered to go get her, but I insisted (since it was Father's Day and all). Tenley was in such a good mood and was being so talkative so I told her we were going to wish Daddy a "Happy Father's Day". By the time I changed her diaper and went back into our room Ed was passed out again. I whispered to Tenley, "Should we wake Dada?" and she just starred at him softly saying, "Dada", but he didn't budge.
After Tenley woke up from her morning nap, I decided to go check on Ed to make sure he was alive and he was just waking up so Tenley helped him open his presents in bed...
He got a book with his picture that tells a story of all the cool stuff he does:
And our handmade gift - a painted canvas that reads, "I'm as lucky as can be the best Daddy in the world belongs to me." with Tenley's current handprints and a picture of the two of them:
A close up:
Brown hands + Crawling baby = Brown handprints on your carpet ... Oh the joys!! :)
After the two of them opened presents, I made Ed breakfast burritos and we took our leftover bread in the fridge to Sunset Park to feed the ducks.
It was just our luck that as we arrived we found this sleepy bear in the back of the car:
We decided to feed the ducks anyways and let me tell you these things weren't ducks. They were beasts. The second they see you approaching the start swarming. Even from the water. It's like they could smell the bread. Look at this:
Ummm Yeah. Totallyyyy Scary. Like I said, Beasts!
Ed was pushing the stroller and stuck me with the darn bread so I fed them first:
I totally look like a crippled lady, but I was terrified!
After awhile I found some nicer ducks and got a lil' more comfortable:
Then Ed took a stab at it:

Please excuse Ed's sock/sandal look. He usually doesn't rock this look on a typical day, but he just had a procedure done on his foot and it's bandaged up. I swear he isn't a secret cholo.
Tenley being the diva that she is woke up just as we were leaving and as we were out of bread, of course. So we drove to the nearest grocery store and headed back for round #2:
Look at these guys swarm us when we arrived:
Scary, right? I stopped filming because Ed was about to drop kick this one duck that had a crazy eye. It almost ugly for a minute.
In the matter of seconds we were surrounded by ducks:

Tenley just starred at them:

They totally resemble each other in this pic, don't ya think?!

We laughed so hard while feeding the ducks. It was so much fun!
When we got home we cooked hot dogs on the grill and I made one of Ed's favorite side dishes - pasta salad. All and all it was a perfect day and I'd say it was a memorable first Father's Day for Ed.
When I picture Tenley and Eddie's relationship in 20 years I envision such a great Father/Daughter friendship. I always get choked up when I see him kiss her goodnight or tuck her in. To even picture him giving her away at her wedding just knots my stomach up like no other. Their love for each other is just too sweet. In my eyes, he is just such an amazing father to her. I truly couldn't have asked for a better person to help raise her. Happy Father's Day, Ed! We love you <3
Happy Father's Day to all the Daddios!!
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