We have been painting the half wall in Tenley's play room with chalkboard paint for a few days now. Once it was finished, Tenley instantly loved it:
(We even wrote a message to Uncle Ray Ray on it...Happy birthday, Ray!!)
Did you notice Tenley's pigtails in the above picture?! Yupp, baby girl's hair is really starting to grow:
Since the beginning of the year I have been experiencing pain in my collar bone where I had a tumor twice before. I was terrified that my tumor was back and kept thinking of what would have to be done if it were. I went to my doctor right away and had an x-ray on January 25th. The results came back that there was a "deformity" inside my collar bone, but it was inconclusive if it was from my previous surgeries or if it was back again. My doctor scheduled me for an MRI and I had to wait almost a month to get it done; which was torturous. Ed watched Tenley while I went for my MRI...
...my doctor called me the next day to tell me that the MRI came back normal and I was overjoyed. Prayers really are answered- thank God!
(Thanks to my family for praying for me!)
The next day Tenley got dolled up so we could take a birthday pic for Grandpa's gift...
...little miss sensitive broke out in a rash from her dress so she hung out in her diap:
Everyone is finally feeling better and Tenley was full of energy from being sick for so long. When Daddy got home from work they goofed off...
...even Pearl joined in on the fun:
Tenley ate Grammy's sugar cookies that she mailed to us:
She had crazy bath time hair:
Tenley hasn't let me put a headband on her head since she was about 6 months old... I love the 5 seconds that she keeps her hair accessories on...

...after 5 seconds she thinks it needs to be re-done:

...after 5 seconds she thinks it needs to be re-done:
Tenley has finally kicked the habit of napping in her swing. Now she'll either sleep on the couch or on our bed...
...baby girl was so passed out on Wednesday that she wouldn't even wake up to see Daddy before he headed off to school after work:
While Ed was at school he made Tenley this awesome magnet board out of sheet metal:
(Ed is going to put a frame around it and hang it in her play room...such an awesome Daddy!)
Tenley was a total bed hog the next morning:
While eating banana melts, she decided she wanted them on the floor instead:
Tenley Bear passed out on the couch and looked so peaceful:
We went to the Espejo's Friday night and Tenley had a blast playing with Grace and Charley. She had so much fun that she slept in super late on Saturday:
T was being such a goofball at breakfast and kept grabbing my arm and pulling me close to her:
Tenley got ready for her Grandparents visit:
She showed Grammy and Gramps how she brushes her teeth:
We celebrated Grandpa's 60th birthday.
Until next week! :)
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