The week started off with the typical lazy Monday:
(Isn't it crazy how long she is?!)
Thanks to Tenley's chalkboard wall, "chalk" is now apart of T's vocab, but it sounds more like "alk". She loves to write on her chalkboard wall:
...since it was a gorgeous day, we took the chalk outside:
...after we were all chalked out, we went for a jog so I could break in my new running shoes:
(Yes, they have hot pink in them; which is now, like, my second favorite color...what is wrong with me?!?)
...Tenley finalllllyyyy had her 15 month well check at 16 1/2 months old...just a little procrastination on my part because I hate watching her get shots. Luckily, Ed's new spring schedule of getting off super early allowed him to join me. Tenley did awesome and only cried for a minute...she also didn't have any reactions- SCORE! She is above the curve for her milestones and weighed in at 26.5lbs (75th percentile) and is 33.5 inches tall (95th percentile). Baby girl rocked her well check:
...after her well check we went to Panera for dinner:
(Maybe she's not ready for plates?)
I've been on a bit of a Greek yogurt kick and have literally tried every brand. After several attempts, this is my favorite brand (and flavor):
...even Tenley loved it:
...Wednesday was a beautiful day so I decided to take Tenley to Town Square to run around at their park...
...we also stayed for story time:

...we did a little shopping and I spoiled myself with my first pair of Tom's:
...needless to say, baby girl was exhausted from our Mommy/Daughter morning:
...later that day, our BFFs, Karina and Sofia, came over to play outside:
Tenley was so exhausted from the previous day that she was a total bed hog the next morning:
...once she finally woke up I made her favorite breakfast:
...she was full of energy and silliness after eating:
...once Ed got home from work we took Tenley to Mission Hills Park to go down their huge slides, but baby girl chickened out when she got to the top so we stuck to the playground, grass, and smaller slides:

(I can't handle their adorableness!!!)
...since Tenley had such a fun time at Town Square the day before, we headed there after the park so Ed could witness T run like a nut in their super fun maze:

...we even treated Tenley to her first taste of Yogurtland, but she didn't like the mint or bananas foster...instead she just wanted watermelon:
...we stopped at Rachel's Kitchen and tried their ah-mazing cobb salad, unfortunately Tenley doesn't like lettuce and kept telling us that her belly was still hungry:
Tenley was still pooped on Friday and took and extra long nap on the couch:

...Ed surprised me with these pretty flowers to celebrate our 10 year anniversary:

...we played outside when Ed got home from work and Tenley showed him how she mows the grass with her bubble mower: celebrate our anniversary we went to The District again because I was craving the cobb salad from Rachel's kitchen. We also stopped at Ben & Jerry's for ice cream and Tenley realllllly loved it:
Tenley got to cuddle with Daddy Saturday morning and they totally looked like twins:
...we went to the St. Patty's Day Parade and baby girl was so tired that she fell asleep in Daddy's arms:

...when she woke up from her nap she played in her kiddie pool since it was such a beautiful day:
(It may be early for the pool, but I couldn't wait for her to wear her new bikini from Janie and Jack! Her first it!!) girl was out like a light that night:
(Cuddled up to Piglet and Princess Teddy.)
We had breakfast at our absolute favorite spot...Egg Works! The hostesses and waiters know us and love seeing Tenley. I promise you they have thee BEST bacon and avocado omlette! Hands down. Tenley also enjoyed their apple juice for the first time. Apparently she doesn't like the taste of anything that comes from a sippy cup because she prefers to drink like a big girl:
...since Sunset Park is right across the street we decided to go to the park and came across our new favorite park: and my lil' twin started on the small slides:
...we had fun on the swings and climbing around everywhere:
...Tenley even went down the bigger slides all by herself for the first time and I got some great action shots of her and Ed:

...once again, Tenley Bear was pooped:
Until next week! :)
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