Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weekly Update

The weather was B-E-A-utiful Monday morning so Tenley and I played outside with Pearl while the babies napped inside:

We went inside once the babes woke up and hung out with them:

Ed made cheeseburgers on the grill and brought Wes outside with him because Ed said Wes needed "to learn to be a man." After they were outside for a little bit Ed told me to look in my photo stream and I found this gem:

Grammy sent the kids a box of goodies and she was excited for T to open up this really pretty Princess crown, but Tenley was way more interested in Wes' football. Girlfriend kept running up and down the hall with it and wanted us to throw it at her and help her catch it. She's a tomboy, this one:
(Thanks, Grammy and Pop-Pop!)

The twins growth spurt was still in full force and they only wanted me to hold them. After rocking them to sleep, I attempted putting them in their cribs so Tenley wouldn't scream in their faces wake them:

Napping in their cribs lasted a good 10 minutes 'cause these chunkers wanted to eat, again (can a sista catch a break?! Geezzzzz!):

For my birthday, Karina bought me a gift certificate for a 16x20 canvas from Canvas on Demand and I finally used the gift certificate for a canvas of the twins. It came out so good- I love it:
(Thanks, Karina!!)

Tenley forced Pearl to cuddle with her by repeatedly putting her in a headlock:
(This poor dog.)

Wes fell asleep while nursing and I could not get over his cheeks. I mean, what ya storing in there little man? Cutest cheeks EVER:

Tenley gave sissy kisses while I changed her diaper, totally melting my heart in the process:

The twins were excited to play with Daddy when he got home from work (because he's so much more fun than me):

The Venturino girls came over Thursday morning and everyone was excited, even Pearl:

After 5 years in the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship Program, Thursday was Ed's last night of school (a.k.a. my last night by myself with 3 hooligans!). He officially completed the program and will "journey out" on July 1st. I can't even begin to explain how proud of him I am. He has been through so much to get to where he is today, from being without a job, to finding the job he truly loves and is happy to do. It has been a long journey, but it has made him the worker he is today- reliable, dedicated, determined, just all around awesome. I'm so excited for him. Congrats, Ed! We love you and are so unbelievably proud of you!

I've been wanting a blender for a while now, but, of course, I want thee most expensive beast on the market- the Vitamix. My sweet mother-in-law surprised me by sending me the green apple KitchenAid blender to match the mixer she bought us. She's having us test it out to see if we like it or still want the Vitamix. The verdict is still out, but it sure does make delicious smoothies and Tenley has no idea that she's eating spinach and carrots with her beloved fruits:
(Thanks, Mom!!)

The twins were full of smiles Friday morning:

I was surprised with thee most thoughtful gift Saturday Godmother had this beautiful necklace made for me with all the kid's names on it and a pearl dangling in the center (for Pearl)- it's absolutely perfect and I will treasure it forever:
(Thanks, Cindy!!)

Saturday was Henderson's annual St. Patty's Day Parade so, of course, we had to take the kids! The weather was just right, not windy like the year we couldn't go and not scorching hot like last year. Tenley was so excited about seeing the parade and also very excited about watching it with the Venturinos and Myers. The twins slept through a lot of the parade, then chilled towards the end. We all had a blast and T was absolutely exhausted after:

Everyone took good naps that afternoon and when Ev woke up she had a surprise for Daddy- a 6 foot projectile poop (and yes, Ed measured it!):

Before running errands Sunday morning, Daddy was making the twins smile up a storm:

We did some car shopping on Sunday and Tenley had a blast running around the car lot:

(Thanks for the adorable outfit, Great Grammy Sophie!!)

The weather was still gorgeous so we ate dinner on the patio and played on the swing set. Of course, my crazy fam couldn't stay fully clothed so they looked like a bunch of hillbillies, but I wouldn't have it any other way:

(Love these crazies!)

The twins sleep in their sleepers at the bottom of our bed, but Wes won't fall asleep unless the room is completely dark and silent (so high maintenance) so in an attempt to lay in bed and watch TV I put them in their crib at night for the first time. Wes woke up at 11:30 so I brought them both back in the room and said forget it. They sure looked cute in there though:

Until next week! :)

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