Linds and Isla came over Monday morning and we enjoyed the gorgeous weather outside:
(I love how Ev is looking at Wes' football like, "what is THAT?!")
After playing outside, Ev bounced around in her bouncer:
Wes rolled onto his belly for the first time:
The twins had a blast on their jumbo play mat:
Moose Man woke up with lots of energy on Tuesday and he took it out on his bouncer:
Tenley dressed up as Princess Anna and wanted me to take a picture of her:
Ed helped me clean up the house and looked like such a stud while wearing both babies AND vacuuming:
(Have I ever mentioned how much I love that man?)
Wes and Ev practiced sitting up in their boppies before getting in some play time Wednesday morning:
Evie tried catching up to Wes by rolling onto her belly, but the little peanut was only able to make it onto her side:
Tenley loves looking at pictures on my iPhone and I about died when she said, "momma, selpie tease!" Girlfriend loves to take selfies:
(Gotta take advantage of these "selpie" days while they last!)
That afternoon, Moose Man hogged me, Evie contently laid next to me and Tenley was her crazy OCD self...just a typical afternoon for us:
Later that night, the kiddos played together so nicely with Daddy:
Tenley has Daddy so wrapped around her finger that she even got him to take "selpies" with her:
(He's going to kill me.)
May 1st is the official "opening day" of all the splash pads so, of course, you know we were at our favorite splash pad- Reunion Trails! We met Linds and Isla there and the girls had so much fun in the freezing cold water, while the twins soaked up some vitamin D:
(I am beyond excited for many more of these play dates this summer!!)
The sun exhausted the twins:
All that nappin' got them geared up for some bouncing around:
I can't get over how cute my little beef cake looked in his tank:
Tenley likes to tuck her stuffed animals into her bed and pretend to put them down for a nap and she thought it was hilarious to pretend with baby brother (and so did he!):
Tenley woke up on Friday in a great mood and read to her friends:
(I love hearing her read. My favorites in this book are the duck, frog and the people. When she sees the duck she says, "duck...kit, kat (quack, quack)", when she sees the frog she says, "a wog" and when she sees the crowd of people on the last page she points to the red head and says, "Na May (Mermaid)".)
Moosey practiced sitting in his boppy again:
The twins have been pretty restless and have been gnawing on their hands non-stop so I headed to Well Rounded Momma to buy them amber teething necklaces. On my way I had to stop by Karina's and Tenley wanted to stay to play with Sofia and Karina gladly took her in. When I picked her up, I had to pry a singing Little Mermaid Barbie Doll from her hands and nonchalantly stated, "mommy will buy you one if you pee on the potty." She poutingly gave it back and that was that, but when she woke up Saturday morning she went straight to the potty and peed right away! As soon as she got off she said, "BUY ME NA MAY!" We had plans to go to the pool so we didn't have plans to start potty training her, but we thought maybe she was trying to tell us that she was indeed ready.
(More on that later...)
We met the Rices at the Rio for a pool play date and it was so much fun! Their pool is free for locals and perfect for kids. Tenley is such a giant that she was able to walk around in the water, while we carried the babies- perfect for us. Tenley and Isla loved climbing the walls and jumping into Lindsay's arms. We had so much fun! A great morning in the sun:
After the pool, we decided to go buy Tenley the Little Mermaid Barbie since she did pee on the potty, but we decided we would only give it to her if she peed on the potty again. Turns out this signing Ariel is a hot commodity because she was sold out everywhere! We went everywhere searching for her and poor Ev was not happy about it...until I sat in the backseat:
We finally found Ariel and Tenley was SO excited:
We finally made it home and all the kiddos took 3 hour naps:
Since Tenley was showing some interest in the potty and we had singing Ariel AND Ariel heels, we decided Sunday was the day we would start hardcore potty training:
While Tenley worked on her potty skills, the twins spent the day playing, bouncing around and being fancy:
(Thanks to the Venturino's for these ridiculously adorable outfits!!)
Until next week! :)
...fingers crossed it's a successful potty training week! Wish us luck!
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