My mom texted me this picture and I can't help but imagine that little Evie will look just like this:
When Ed was leaving for work he must've dropped his safety glasses and the Moose Man found them and looked so cute in them:
The kiddos played with the abacus cube:
Tenley played dress-up and said, "mommy, I wear dis to meet Tinkybell at Dinneylan and I be really happy, k? Hurry, momma! Take a pic-a-ture by me Mickey chay!":
Moose Man refused to nap because he just wanted to wrestle with baby sis:
Speaking of refusing to nap, Tenley was also refusing to nap (shocker, I know):
Wes is SO strong that he figured out how to pull himself up to the standing position already and he is pretty proud of himself:
Linds and Isla came over Tuesday morning and the girls played dress-up and Isla loved on Wes:
(The hand holding!!!! I. Can't. Handle. It.)
Ev did one of her favorite things Wednesday morning- spied on the neighbors:
Each day is a new day to dress-up as a different Disney character to celebrate our upcoming Disneyland trip and Tenley chose to dedicate Wednesday to Periwinkle (Tinkerbell's twin sister). She posed, danced and sang like a wild woman, but her brother and sister love her goofy self:
Wes and I made Tenley's favorite lunch, homemade mac 'n cheese, while Evie teased Pearl:
I was really hoping Tenley would know someone in her preschool class and it turns out that I know one of the mommies that also signed up her daughter who is just 4 months older than Tenley. Lyndsey and I thought it'd be good for Addysen and Tenley to play before the first day so they'd feel more comfortable in class. They had so much fun playing together. Addy also has a little bro, Cam (who was crushin' on Evie), so it's perfect because the twins have new friends now, too. We really enjoyed having them over and when they left Tenley kept saying, "I wanna go cool with Ellyson. I have fun, k?" I forsee many, many more play dates in our future:
The kiddos got a package from Grammy & Pop-Pop with goodies for Disneyland and Tenley was obsessed with the new stuffed Princesses and Princess book:
(Thanks guys!! We love you!!)
Tenley and Ev played with all the new stuffed friends Grammy and Pop-Pop sent or should I say Tenley made sure Ev couldn't get her hands on them? Tenley even hid them all in her bed so Ev and Wes couldn't get to them:
Ed finally made his way down to the Disney store to buy our tickets...YAY!!!!!!!!:
Wes was up super early on Thursday and looked so peaceful when I finally got him down for his morning nap:
Tenley got ready for the splash pad while the babes napped and she looked so adorable in her new Princess swim suit from Grandma Coppertone girl look-a-like moment:
We met Karina and her girls at Mission Hills to cool off at the splash pad. The girls had so much fun playing because they were the only ones there and even Alena (who is walking now!) joined in and is officially one of the gang now:
We FINALLY got around to taking the twins to their 6 month well-check appointment (a month and a half late) and Dr. Vu said they are perfect, duh:
They surpassed all their milestones and even passed the 9 month milestones already. I think it's the twin in them that makes them so strong...fighters from the beginning. Ev weighs 17lbs 8 oz (50%) and is 28in tall (97%) and Wesley weighs 21lbs 4oz (90%) and is 29.5in tall (95%). They were due for the usual shots and Dr. Vu suggested we do their first round of the flu shot. We were going to wait on the flu shot since we didn't know how they would react to it and with vaction right around the corner we didn't want to risk it, but Dr. Vu said he recommended it even more since we are going to Disneyland. Ev took her drink and two pokes fine, but Wes screamed like I've never heard a baby scream before- totally shrilling and heart wrenching. I'm ashamed to admit that after almost 3 years of being a mommy, it's the first time I cried at a well-check...he sounded like he was dying. Poor boy. Ed said, "he needs to toughen up," but I quickly cuddled him and made both of our tears disappear.
Sure enough, the babies both had reactions to the flu shot...I knew we should've waited! They both had temps of 100 and were super cranky. Tenley tried to cheer them up by bringing out every toy she could find:
I got Ev to take a good 2 hour nap on my bed; which made her feel better (I think), but I only got Wes to take a 30 minute nap all day (and only because I gave him a pacifier...what the heck?!):
Linds knew I was having a hell of a day and being the saint that she is she brought me fried cheesecake bites with chocolate and carmel dip...I mean, right?! She's. The. Best. It made the perfect afternoon snack with my coffee:
(Thanks!! I love you!!)
Ev was feeling better and was trying really hard to stand:
Wes woke up, ready to party at 3:30am on Saturday. Although he was smiling he was still feverish. This crazy boy cut 2 more teeth...that's 6 teeth:
I took a much needed break from the kids and got my nails done. Of course I had to do a Minnie/Mickey theme for Disneyland:
After yearsssss of desperately needing a new computer the hubmister took the fam for a ride and decided it'd be a good time to treat me to a MacBook Pro...I WAS ECSTATIC! I sat in the back to keep all the kiddos up and Tenley, Ariel and I took selfies to show our excitement:
This thing is gorgeous! And get this, it has iCloud so I don't even have to hook up my phone up to download my pictures to do my blog; which will save me so much time! It's just a time saving machine compared to my 7 year old snail- I'm in love:
Now that Mooses teeth cut through his fever finally broke and he woke up on Sunday in a good mood:
Tenley is so excited to leave for the beach tomorrow that she wanted to pack baby brother and sister in her Princess suit case:
After a rough week of teething, shots, fevers, sleepless night, no naps...this was my little reminder that no matter what my kids still love me:
My crappy week turned into an amazing week and we're super excited for the twins first experience at the beach, our first time at Disneyland AND Ed's 30th birthday!!
My next post will be a Disneyland post!! YAY!! Until then! :)