Monday was a scorcher! We attempted to play outside while the twins napped, but it turned into a water fight between Tenley, Pearl and I...the chick with the hose won:
Wes was extremely fussy (more than his typical momma's boy fuss) and I quickly noticed why...little man cut his top left tooth and was working on the top right, too! Poor guy:
Tenley woke Ev up Tuesday morning because I guess she thought she didn't want her to feel left out. Ev was confused at first, but quickly perked up when she saw us:
Tenley got her wish of playing with both her baby brother and sister and stayed close to them all day:
(Have I told you that I love my job recently? How lucky am I? You rock, Ed! We appreciate you.)
I finally got a good video of Wesley crawling around the house (and Tenley being her typical crazy self):
They are officially everywhere!! Triple trouble, these guys:
I was extremely brave and took the 3 kiddos to The Fashion Show Mall by myself to do some shopping for our upcoming family pictures. Everything went well until we got held up in front of the Sanrio store for a good 30 minutes while Tenley talked to Hello Kitty:
Moose Man looked so cute as he waited for bath time:
Wes' teeth were bothering him and he woke up super early on Thursday; which led to an early nap in mommy's arms:
Tenley cuddled her bud quietly while Moose got in some morning Z's:
When everyone woke up they all played together so sweetly and made my heart melt:
Ev discovered the door stoppers and is obsessed:
August 1st was National Twin Day!! A day I never imagined I'd be celebrating, but nevertheless, pictures to celebrate, duh:
(Ughhh!! Happy National Twin Day, you two!!)
Tenley took some pretty awesome selfies:
Tenley played peek-a-boo with Wessie Boy, while I hung with Cakers:
Wes tried on the world's cutest outfit for his pics on Sunday and I had to take a quick pic:
Wes woke up at 5:40am Saturday morning (must've been getting excited to see Grammy and Pop-Pop):
The kids watched for Grammy and Pop-Pop all morning:
Not only did Grammy and Pop-Pop arrive, but Gigi, Aunt Jan, Aunt Sue, Amanda and Alyssa were also here! Tenley was thrilled to see them and to add to her excitement they came bearing gifts that they knew would make her go crazy:

(Thanks everyone!! Love you guys!!)
After our visit, we got ready for Lindsay's Grandmother, Dorothy's, 100th birthday:
Dorothy's 100th birthday milestone celebration was at Cili in Bali Hai Golf Club and it was an ah-mazing night for such an amazing woman. Dorothy is a sharp, witty, fun and beautiful young hearted lady who can still cut a rug! We had such a blast dancing with the kids and our friends. I swear, the girls could've danced all night! I love Lindsay's family dearly so to be there to celebrate Dorothy was a real treat! Thanks for letting us be apart of this special occasion:
The girls' take on the "Makarena":
After the party we got home and got prepped for our photos at Mount Charleston the following morning and, of course, the best accessory of all- Wes' bow tie - was no where to be found! We searched everywhere for it knowing that it must be in the house since I just took a pic with him wearing it the day before, but nope! No where. After searching from 10-1am, we gave up and cancelled photos. I changed all of our outfits for that damn bow tie and I knew I wouldn't be happy with the pics if Wes wasn't wearing it so I was that difficult client who cancelled once because of sick kids then again because of a bow tie (when you see the finished product you will understand!).
Our sweet niece turned 2 on Sunday and the kitty lover had the most adorable (and delicious) cake to celebrate with our family:
(Happy birthday, sweetie!! We love you!!)
I can finally share a big, BIG secret...
Lindsay and Mason are having another baby girl!!
We are beyond thrilled for them, excited for Isla to be a big sister, excited for our girls to have another best friend and excited that I have another baby to snuggle!! January can't get here soon enough!!
Until next time! :)
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