Friday, August 15, 2014

Ev & Wes: 7 Month Recap

It's mind boggling how much these crazy bears have changed in the past month. I feel like I went from having little, itty bitty babies to babies on the verge of being toddlers!

Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (Birth: 6 lbs 13 oz) 
Height: 26 in (Birth: 19 in)
Clothing Size: 3-6 month, mostly 6 month
Diaper Size: 3

Ev's personality continues to get better with each passing month. She's always sporting the biggest smile and has the most care-free attitude. She shocked us all when she decided to crawl before Wes. Seeing her crawl was the funniest thing because she looked like she was swimming on the carpet. After a month of army crawling, she no longer looks like she's swimming and man is she fast! She loves to creep up on me when I'm in the kitchen and for some reason she always makes her way down the hall and hides in the laundry room. It's a constant game of hide and seek in our house. She loves cruising around in the walker, but you'll likely find her standing in front of the stove starring at her reflection in the glass. She is such a girly girl and I swear she could look at her reflection for hours. She is sitting up, but still doesn't last too long because she sticks her legs straight out and stiffens them up. Whenever you sit her on her butt she instantly tries to push off her feet and stand. She loves to stand and will immediately start smiling. Speaking of smiling, she cut her first tooth on July 23rd (bottom left) and quickly cut her second (bottom right) on August 1. She has been pretty great with teething, except for waking up early, but I'm up early with Wes anyways. She is absolutely fascinated with books and loves touch and feel books. Girlfriend is still striving on strictly breast milk straight from the source because she cringes at the sight of solids. I waited until they were 6 months old to be sure they were ready, but this chick just isn't having it. I've made them homemade peas, green beans, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, apples, crushed up bananas and crushed up avocado, but that sweet little thang just spits it right out! Hates it. And when I say "spit" I really mean blows raspberries with it, meaning it flies all over the place. The only thing she'll nibble on are those weird Mum-Mum things and I'm not even sure she's eating any of it so much as she's just biting it and spitting it out when it gets soggy. I just can't figure it out. For such a happy, easy-going girl she sure has me stumped!  

Weight:  21 lbs 8 oz (Birth: 7 lbs 15 oz) 
Height:  29 in (Birth: 21.25 in)
Clothing Size: 12 month
Diaper Size: 4

This boy cracks me up like no other. Every time I look at him he giggles and it gets me every time. He just learned to clap so he does that non-stop and thinks its amazing that his hands make a noise when they hit each other- it's the cutest. It didn't take long before he was crawling after his big sis and now he is also all over the place, but his favorite place to go is Tenley's room; which is never a secret because I can always hear them squealing like little piggies. He can go from his belly to the sitting position and is really good at sitting up now. He loves to stand and bounce on his feet whether it be leaning up against his activity table or bouncing on the couch cushions while looking outside. He must love to use his legs because he absolutely loves to kick and splash in the bath tub and could spend the entire day in the pool. He's our future Olympic Swimmer. He's coming around to the idea of solids and will eat maybe 5 mls in a sitting. His favorite thing to eat so far has been avocados; which makes me proud because they are my favorite, too. In addition to his bottom two teeth, he also got his top left tooth on July 28th and on August 1st the top right tooth popped through. I can't believe he already has 4 teeth! How is that even possible?

These two crazy hooligans are growing too fast. When you're starting a family people warn you that your life will never be the same and that they'll be off to college before you know it and gosh it's so true. I feel like the past 7 months have gone by in the blink of an eye and it truly makes my heart ache. I wish they could stay my babies forever, but at the same time, I love to watch them grow, explore and learn new things everyday. Although I could do without all the bumps and bruises that come along with learning to crawl (especially when you have tile floors), I love to see their excitement when they reach us at the end of the hall. I can literally watch them play with Tenley all day. Tenley always asks to bring them in her room to play and she plays peek-a-boo in her closet with them and shows them all her friends and I swear when she lets them touch one of her friends that she sleeps with my hearts melts or when one of them bumps their head on her bed and she kisses them and says, "all bett me now!" I love watching the twins grow and watching their bond grow, too. The way they look at each other and feel for each other when we co-sleep (or suck on the other's arm). I just feel so blessed to have such amazing kids. They're healthy and I know I'm biased, but I kind of think they're the best. 

Happy 7 month birthday, Everly and Wesley!!

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