My babies woke up as FOUR year olds Monday morning!! Last week, a client asked me "how do you even do it?" and I was speechless. Another client answered for me and said, "she doesn't have a choice." These four years have flown by and I honestly can't remember how we managed to survive some of the hard times, but here we are. All three of our kids are alive and healthy and for that I am beyond grateful! We started the day by singing 'Happy Birthday' with donuts, per tradition:
Cheers to donuts for breakfast:
Grammy took Tenley to school so Mommy could work out, while the twins stayed home with Pop Pop and gave each other lovins:
We took the kids to Kangamoo in the morning to celebrate; which made all of their birthday dreams come true:
I taught the kids how to play popcorn and they thought it was the greatest thing ever:
For lunch, Grammy and Pop Pop treated the birthday kids to their favorite lunch-- Chick-fil-a:
It was time to pick up big sis from school and Tenley brought Ev and Wes home a birthday book from school:

We also got them a small gift and a board game to play together as a family:
After presents, Tenley did some homework:
After dinner we sang to Ev and Wes, again, but this time they were all smiles since it wasn't first thing in the morning:
Tuesday is my volunteer day at T's school and Tenley passed 9 units of sight words; which brought her to unit 25!! We were both so excited:
The twins celebrated their birthday again at preschool on Tuesday. Ev was more than willing to show off her birthday crown when she got home, but Wes is always too cool for pics:
They also learned about the letter 'S' for snake and made these adorable snow globes:
Tenley came home with lots of sweet notes scattered throughout her school work:
Tuesday evening Wes had his second 'Learn to Skate' class and was so excited that Pop Pop was there to watch him. He must've wanted to show off because he didn't use his cone for the second half of class:
While sis was at school Wednesday morning, the twins and I finished our Golden Knights puzzle:
Ev and Wes were super excited to open their birthday presents from Grandma Cath:
(Thanks, Grandma Cath!! We love you!!)
The kids got lots of cards from family in Ohio and were so excited to open them all:
(Thanks so much everyone!! Love and appreciate you all!!)
Ev and Wes had fun at school on Thursday and Ev was really proud of the noodle necklace she made:
We started this cleanse at work on Monday... in a nutshell: no gluten, dairy, soy, coffee, or alcohol. I tried cutting coffee cold turkey and almost died. Total fail. I always drink my coffee with almond milk anyways so I just added it back cause if I'm miserable it's not worth it to me. Other than that and the occasional sweet, it's been great! I forgot that I hadn't taken a "before picture" so I tried snapping one real quick and was interrupted my my littlest fan:
She popped in the room asking me what I was doing and I quickly brushed her question off because I never want my girls to be insecure AT ALL. My goal is to be as secure with myself as I am when I'm teaching. I feel like superwoman when I'm teaching Pure Barre and want to emulate that strength and positivity all the time. I really feel like this is my year to feel comfortable in my skin, even if it IS loose and scarred. This is my time to focus that energy and be strong mentally, too:
After preschool on Friday, we met Amy and Luke for Lunch at the park. We saw Kelly and the boys at the park, too, and had fun playing 'Duck, Duck, Goose":
Ev and Wes made pasta salad for their Friday chef class and also came home with this plate full of "spaghetti":
Grammy did the girls makeup Friday evening; which made them so happy:
While Ev was at dance, Grammy and I took Tenley to the 'Future Falcons Cheer Camp'. Her friends Addy and Marissa also signed up for it so she was so excited to go. They spent the morning learning a cheer and dance to perform next week before the varsity boys high school basketball game. She is so excited and these girls are going to be the cutest cheerleaders:
On Sunday, we treated the kids to 'Disney on Ice'. Anything Disney never disappoints and we had a blast:
Until next time! :)
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