Well, I got absolutely no sleep the night before and you bet your bottom dollar I cried while putting Tenley to bed last night...my big girl is off to preschool this morning! I was a nervous wreck on the inside for her, but remaining cool on the outside. I wanted to keep my expectations high for her because I knew if I thought she was going to do great that she would also think that and have the confidence she would need for her big day.
I made sure she had a good breakfast and made her pose with a cheesy paper that said "First Day of Preschool 2014-2015", then let her pose how she wanted to and all I have to say is, "look out Miss Marsha!":
The drop off went great! While in the car Tenley got nervous and said, "momma?" twice because she was confused, but when Miss Marsha opened our car door and said, "are you ready to go have fun?!" Tenley shouted, "YEAH!" and hopped out the door! I was so proud of her for being so brave, but heart broken that my baby girl is growing up.
When I got home I nursed the babes and put them down for their morning naps, did some laundry, cleaned a bit and got lunch ready for when Tenley got home. The babies slept the entire time and it felt so weird to not have Tenley occupying my time. I had to wake the babies to pick up sissy and she was so excited to see us all. Miss Marsha said she was good, but had a hard time sticking to one thing and staying in her seat for activities, but that it'd take some getting used to for Tenley; which didn't surprise me at all. I'm so, SO proud of her! I think she did great for her first day of school. She added apple stickers to her school tote bag and made the cutest apple since they're learning about the letter 'A' this week:
The twins were ready to play when we got home since they had such a good nap:
It wasn't just a big day for Tenley, but also for the twins, too, because they turned 8 months old today!
We went to Lindsay's Tuesday morning so the kids could play, which turned into Isla practicing her baby skills:
When we got home Ev fell asleep while sucking on baby bro's thigh:
These hooligans woke up at 4:30am on Wednesday. Like, both of them at the same time...standing in their cribs. I couldn't even try to get them to go back to bed because when they're both standing it's just a party at that point so we just tried to make the best of it. It was so dark outside that I couldn't even get a good picture of them in their cute onsies. They're lucky they're so dang cute:
While the twins took an early nap, I had to wake Tenley up for school at 7:30am:
She was so excited for her second day:
When she got home she was so adorable telling the babies all about what she learned (the letter "A", apples, her friends), but was more excited to tell sissy she missed her and was quick to pick her up and "wock" her:

The twins played in their bouncers while sissy dressed up as Madonna:
Tenley woke up with a stuffy nose on Thursday (the one thing I wasn't looking forward to about preschool), so we played outside in hopes that some sun would dry out her nose a bit. Poor thing just wanted to swing while the twins enjoyed the fresh air:

Wes Man gave me the toothiest grin once we came inside:
Later that night, we took the kids outside for a wagon ride since it was so nice out and they had so much fun playing in the backyard together:
I took the twins to CJ's ah-mazing first birthday party Saturday afternoon, while sick sissy stayed home. The babes had a blast playing with everyone:
The babies didn't have any symptoms of being sick before, but as soon as we got home they started having runny noses (I really hope we didn't spread the germs any further!) and were so exhausted that everyone passed out:
On Sunday, I woke up feeling sick as well; which is absolutely awful when you have 3 sick kids to take care of, as well. The kids went through spurts of wanting to play, then feeling awful:
In a moment of the kids napping, we managed to decorate T's room with the little treasures she got from Disneyland:
I was desperate to get the kids and I better fast so I bought a diffuser and doTERRA Breathe and OnGuard essential oils from Lyndsey's mom, Sam Medrano:
Fingers crossed we all get better soon! I'll keep you posted...
I made sure she had a good breakfast and made her pose with a cheesy paper that said "First Day of Preschool 2014-2015", then let her pose how she wanted to and all I have to say is, "look out Miss Marsha!":
The drop off went great! While in the car Tenley got nervous and said, "momma?" twice because she was confused, but when Miss Marsha opened our car door and said, "are you ready to go have fun?!" Tenley shouted, "YEAH!" and hopped out the door! I was so proud of her for being so brave, but heart broken that my baby girl is growing up.
When I got home I nursed the babes and put them down for their morning naps, did some laundry, cleaned a bit and got lunch ready for when Tenley got home. The babies slept the entire time and it felt so weird to not have Tenley occupying my time. I had to wake the babies to pick up sissy and she was so excited to see us all. Miss Marsha said she was good, but had a hard time sticking to one thing and staying in her seat for activities, but that it'd take some getting used to for Tenley; which didn't surprise me at all. I'm so, SO proud of her! I think she did great for her first day of school. She added apple stickers to her school tote bag and made the cutest apple since they're learning about the letter 'A' this week:
The twins were ready to play when we got home since they had such a good nap:
It wasn't just a big day for Tenley, but also for the twins, too, because they turned 8 months old today!
We went to Lindsay's Tuesday morning so the kids could play, which turned into Isla practicing her baby skills:
When we got home Ev fell asleep while sucking on baby bro's thigh:
These hooligans woke up at 4:30am on Wednesday. Like, both of them at the same time...standing in their cribs. I couldn't even try to get them to go back to bed because when they're both standing it's just a party at that point so we just tried to make the best of it. It was so dark outside that I couldn't even get a good picture of them in their cute onsies. They're lucky they're so dang cute:
While the twins took an early nap, I had to wake Tenley up for school at 7:30am:
She was so excited for her second day:
When she got home she was so adorable telling the babies all about what she learned (the letter "A", apples, her friends), but was more excited to tell sissy she missed her and was quick to pick her up and "wock" her:

(Why does my baby look so big?!)
The twins played in their bouncers while sissy dressed up as Madonna:
Tenley woke up with a stuffy nose on Thursday (the one thing I wasn't looking forward to about preschool), so we played outside in hopes that some sun would dry out her nose a bit. Poor thing just wanted to swing while the twins enjoyed the fresh air:

Wes Man gave me the toothiest grin once we came inside:
Tenley was even worse Friday and demanding all of my attention. Poor Ev was so tired, but Tenley would not let me rock her:
Later that night, we took the kids outside for a wagon ride since it was so nice out and they had so much fun playing in the backyard together:
I took the twins to CJ's ah-mazing first birthday party Saturday afternoon, while sick sissy stayed home. The babes had a blast playing with everyone:
(Happy first birthday, CJ!!)
The babies didn't have any symptoms of being sick before, but as soon as we got home they started having runny noses (I really hope we didn't spread the germs any further!) and were so exhausted that everyone passed out:
On Sunday, I woke up feeling sick as well; which is absolutely awful when you have 3 sick kids to take care of, as well. The kids went through spurts of wanting to play, then feeling awful:
In a moment of the kids napping, we managed to decorate T's room with the little treasures she got from Disneyland:
I was desperate to get the kids and I better fast so I bought a diffuser and doTERRA Breathe and OnGuard essential oils from Lyndsey's mom, Sam Medrano:
(Thanks, Sam!!)
Fingers crossed we all get better soon! I'll keep you posted...