We saved our magic morning passes for our last day so we could make the most out of it, but unfortunately everyone was so exhausted that we had to wake the kiddos up:
We got to enter the park an hour before the park actually opened. Everyone lined up to get their tickets scanned and when it was time for the gates to open you heard everyone yell, "3, 2, 1!!!!" Then the people rushed the entrance of Disneyland. It was awesome and I was bummed we weren't up front. Once we got to Main Street we had to wait a few more minutes until the rides opened and you could really see the mass amounts of people there:
Ed and Ev headed straight to the line to get a return time to meet Princess Anna and Queen Elsa, while Tenley, Wes and I went on the great classic, Peter Pan; which was still a torturous 40 minute wait with an impatient toddler:
Ed was done waiting in line just as we got off Peter Pan so we walked over to Sleeping Beauty's Castle to check it out. As we were exploring, we spotted Aurora (notice she looks a lot like Ariel from yesterday??) and Tenley was so excited:
Next up, we went on Alice in Wonderland; although Tenley hated waiting 25 minutes in line (Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan were the only rides that we had to wait more than 5 minutes for) this was still one of my favorite rides. It was kind of a mini roller coaster for the kiddos; which was hilarious because Ev and I sat in the front and no "lap babies" were allowed in the front so there's sweet little 8 month old Ev in the front row of a roller coaster. No big deal. She was loving it and Tenley talks about "Alice in Woowaland" and the pink caterpillar EVERYDAY so I'd say it was one of her favs, too:
It's a Small World was not a ride I had on my list of "musts", but there wasn't a line so we decided to go on it and I'm so glad we did because it was ah-mazing! Tenley loved being in the boat and the babies slept since it was long and cool inside. This ride was a win for everyone:
We had an hour to kill before we had to be in line to meet Princess Anna and Queen Elsa so we started to make our way to Winnie the Pooh, but Tenley fell asleep on the way there. We let her rest so she'd be in a good mood when it was time to meet Anna and Elsa. The twins were also asleep so Ed and I got to walk around and see some parts of Disneyland that we hadn't yet seen:
12:40pm quickly rolled around and it was time to line up to meet Anna and Elsa! While waiting we even got to chat with Olaf:
Tenley was so excited when she entered Princess Anna and Queen Elsa's cottage. She ran up to them and gave them the warmest hugs! She looked at them with such admiring eyes and was so excited that Elsa was holding her hand. While Elsa signed her book Anna took her to the window to show her their castle. When saying goodbye Tenley blew Elsa a kiss and I said, "blow Princess Anna a kiss, too!", but she didn't so Anna said, "that's ok! I can share my sisters kiss!" Tenley waved goodbye a million times and did not want them to look away from her. These Princesses were just too sweet:
We picked up Tenley's Princess themed name and took one last picture before leaving the park:
What a magic morning and afternoon that was! Unfortunately, our amazing vacation was over and we had to make our journey back home. We weren't even driving for more than 10 minutes before the twins passed out:
(Definitely should've gotten the Yukon XL...)
Then, in 45 minutes they were ready to be entertained:
Tenley was upset we weren't going back to the hotel (me too, Tenley):
Catnap, play, snack, tantrum, repeat.
What an amazing blessing it was to take this trip. I'm so glad we got to experience Disneyland for the first time together, as a family. I totally understand why people are obsessed with Mickey Mouse and have rooms in their house dedicated to him (kidding, but not really). This vacation to celebrate Ed totally surpassed my expectations and I can't wait to do it again and again (AND AGAIN)!
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