Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weekly Update

It's only been a day since Grammy and Pop Pop left and the kids woke up in a slump on Monday. Tenley was such a great big sister and kept giving Wes hugs every time he started to cry for Pop Pop:

We were back in our normal routine on Monday...while Tenley was at school, the twins and I played outside since the weather was so beautiful. They had so much fun playing with chalk and collecting pinecones:

(Wes insisted on sitting by himself in the big kid swing. Can you believe it?!!)

Tenley did a good job tracing the letter 'N' for 'Nut' at school and came home singing a bunch of new songs for fall:

On Tuesday we had to go to Target and the kids were in awe of the Christmas display; which got Tenley begging to put up our tree...already!! Girlfriend has spirit. There's just something about Target, but the kids and I always have so much fun walking up and down every aisle. We love bummin' together:

I had to wake Tenley up for school on Wednesday and she looked so cozy that I just wanted to climb in with her:

The air was super chilly Wednesday morning; which meant Tenley got to rock her new princess Varsity jacket from the Rices and she was so excited- I had to take a picture:

We switched the twins car seats around right before our Disneyland trip (since Ev finally weighs enough) and I love being able to see everyone. Wes looked so sweet as we waited to pick-up sister. She learned about the number 7 and 7 music instruments:

By some rare occasion both babes came into my bed Thursday morning, nursed (DON'T JUDGE WEANING TWO WITHOUT PACIFIERS IS SOOOOO FREAKING HARD!!!!) and went to bed. I can never get comfy in the middle of them when I'm in bed alone because I worry about someone falling off the bed so I went out in the living room and enjoy a HOT cup of coffee BY MYSELF for the FIRST time since they were born:

Since Ev and Wes are really into baby dolls, Tenley has gotten back into baby dolls and they all rocked their babies so sweetly: 

(I love how T has her baby on her shoulders! haha!)

Ok, so that ah-mazing cup of coffee...maybe it wasn't the best idea to let the twins sleep in so late because when it came time to nap I had Wes laughing at me and Ev just screaming at me. Awesome. I mean, you just can't win at being a mom sometimes, right? These kids just wanted to play so there went the time when mommy gets the household chores done:

Since no one napped the afternoon kinda turned into a nightmare real quick. I've never seen an episode of 'The Walking Dead', but I imagine I looked like something from that show. At around 6pm, I told Ed I needed a break, poured myself some wine and hid in my room:

Then, my friend Jasmyn saved my night. As I was sitting there sulking about my monster-ish kids. She sent our family photos that we recently took and I was reminded that, "Hey! Your kids aren't always a-holes; they're having a bad day! Drink up, look at your pictures and take a warm shower!" All was better once I looked at Jasmyn's phenomenal pictures. If you happened to miss the blog with our pics, don't forget to check them out here! Thanks again, Lovey!!

Tenley woke up in the middle of the night coughing and I laid with her for a few hours until she felt ok. I was worried she was coming down with something so I kept her home from school on Friday. We relaxed a lot and read her favorite book from GiGi and Great Grandpa Ed over and over again:
(Thanks GiGi and Grandpa Ed! This is the cutest book! We love you!)

She seemed to get worse throughout the day and just wanted to hang out on the couch:

While drying her hair at bath time she thought it was really cool that I wrapped her hair like mine:

Saturday is when this nasty "bug" really hit her. She was begging us to take her to Toys R Us, but we told her no over and over again. The kids were being so unruly that we were going to lose it if we stayed in the house so we figured we'd go to Costco since we needed to do that anyways. Towards the end of our shopping trip she kept saying, "I want to go home now." I took the kids to the car while Ed checked out since she started to feel extra sick. The twins wanted a snack so I gave them a snack and Tenley freaked because she wanted one, too. Although I told her I didn't think it was a good idea, she was freaking out so bad that either she was going to throw up from her fit or from the snack so I gave in. She didn't eat any of it until we were almost home and sure enough as soon as she did she said, "I wish my belly didn't hurt so bad" and I looked back and saw throw up in her hand. As soon as we got home I cleaned her up and put her down for a nap. She NEVER naps so I knew she was really sick. She napped for a while, then woke up throwing up. Luckily that was the last time she threw up. She was burning up and just wanted to lay on the couch. Girlfriend even took a second nap on Daddy:

Poor thing was feeling so awful. Good thing we picked up this awesome fire station at Costco because it kept Wes extremely busy and Ev loved hiding the firemen under her blankets:

Unfortunately, Wes got hit with the same thing on Sunday and did nothing but cuddle on Daddy:

We're in for it next week...

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