Ed had Veteran's Day off (Yay for Union Holidays!) and T was super excited:
Since Daddy had the day off he worked on the Christmas lights so he didn't have to do them on the weekend. This way we could have them ready to go right after Thanksgiving as well. Tenley was happy to help, too:
She wore her poncho and hat from The Georges to go check on Daddy outside:
(Thanks Great Aunt Jul, Great Uncle Bill, Sara & Rachel!)
She cuddled with her star blanket from Great Grammy Sophie:

(Thanks Grammy!)
She continues to be a cuddle bug with me in the mornings:
Her diet these days consists of bananas, eggs, rotisserie chicken and goldfish crackers. So many goldfish crackers that we're convinced she is going to turn orange...
...she loves them so much that while she was on all fours (getting up to walk) Ed asked her if she, "wanted a Goldfishy" and she got so excited that she fell forward and instantly bruised her noggin:

(Look how long her pony is getting!)
...lesson learned!! Do NOT say "Goldfishy" when this munch is in a compromising position.
Tenley and Sofia played in her Minnie Mouse ball pit:

Tenley Bear teased Pearl with her rope:
All that playing really pooped her out because she fell asleep on my chest while playing with my hair (her favorite thing to do):

Later that night she picked up tap dancing:
She played so nicely in the bath tub (and I got good pics of 1 of her molars):
I made T this pillow to match the blanket Grandma D made her...
...and she loved it, of course:
She learned to climb on and off her turtle:
We FaceTimed with Grandma & Grandpa D so they could watch T open her Thanksgiving presents:
She loves her purse and I'm excited about these Christmas decorations (I already put the nativity set on the fireplace):
We went to Town Square for "snow" in The Square...
...Tenley loved the lights on the tree (just like she did when she was a teeny tiny baby):
...and she LOVED it!!
We will definitely be back to see it "snow" again!!
Tenley went to town on her turtle:
(Look at those top teeth!!)
Daddy brushed her teeth:
Tenley helped me "put away" the groceries for Thanksgiving:
Ed and Tenley chased Pearl around the house:
Goofball got into the diaper bag and decided she needed to wear her shades:
Her silliness continued into dinner time:
There is never a dull moment around here! Oh, did I forget to mention that munch decided she'd start sleeping through the night like a big girl this week? Yup, it was a nice week of sleep for us.
Until next week! :)
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