I had been looking forward to Thanksgiving for months... I pictured us snuggled up on the couch watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade like I always loved to do as a kid. Then I imagined Ed cooking the turkey and me making all the fixings while Tenley licked her chops due to the delicious smells floating through the house. I wanted to start a tradition and say what we were thankful for, like I did with my family. I pictured Tenley digging in and by the end of the night none of us being able to function because we would all be in a "turkey coma". Not once did I imagine that we would spend 4 hours in the ER like this:
The night before Tenley threw up about 8 times in 3 hours. Once her tummy settled she seemed to feel better, but that afternoon she got diarrhea. We just assumed it was a 24 hour thing and hoped that she'd feel better for Thanksgiving and could at least try a teeny tiny bit of turkey.
That was not the case... the next morning she threw up and was having bad diarrhea. I could not nurse her because every time I did she would just throw it up. She wouldn't even drink water or pedialyte. She just laid in my arms and starred at the parade on TV:
She wouldn't move or interact whatsoever:
We were terrified because Tenley is usually so vibrant and rambunctious. After finally getting ahold of a nurse she said that since Tenley wasn't drinking anything, hadn't had any wet diapers since the night before, and was being lethargic that it was time to bring her to the Emergency Room.
When we got to the emergency room Tenley was clammy and had chapped lips. Her dehydration was just getting worse. To top it off, she passed out on me in the waiting room and had a massive blow-out on both of us in the Ergo:
When we were called back the Doctor told us she could put her on IV fluids, but that they may have to stick her a few times since she was so chubby. I was too scared for them to do that to my baby so I asked for something else. So she gave her Zofran to settle her stomach and she instantly became alert:
After that they gave her half an ounce of Pedialyte with a splash of orange Gatorade (since the Queen doesn't like straight Pedialyte) every 30 minutes for an hour and a half. Baby girl sucked the drink down and was yelling for more after the first bottle.
When we got home sweet baby fell asleep on Daddy:
That night both Ed and I got sick as well... fever, vomiting- the works!
What a Thanksgiving, right? Although the pies I baked and the groceries we bought went to waste there are still so many things we are grateful for this year. Even in crappy times (literally) you can always count your blessings.
I am especially thankful for my amazing friends who bring Tenley Pedialyte in the morning, who come pick up our turkey to cook it and bring us leftovers when we were feeling better, who keep calling to see how we are doing and asking if we need anything, who make us feel like we have family here. I just don't know how we'd survive without the amazing friends we have.
I'm also thankful that we are just battling the tummy bug and that it wasn't something more serious. I know I say that this stupid Thanksgiving bug ruined my favorite holiday this year, but in all actuality it could've been a lot worse and we are truly lucky to be as healthy as we are.
I am also thankful for my awesome family and drum roll... my hard working and handsome hubby. He really puts up with a lot from me. I realize I can be a bit of a handful most of the time sometimes and he handles it with such grace. I absolutely love that he works so hard so that I can be a stay at home Mom and I truly appreciate it. I just love the great person that he is.
Tenley better start preparing her belly for next year because I am going to make the biggest Thanksgiving feast EVER to make up for this year.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their loved ones!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :)
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