Monday, February 27, 2012

Total Success

The weather was b-e-a-utiful this weekend so we met the Espejo's at the park so the kiddos could get some fresh air and boy, oh boy was it a blast!

Sweet baby girl tried out the swing for the first time and she absolutely loved it:

Daddy loved pushing her...

...and so did Mommy!

Pretty soon Ed will be able to give her big pushes that produce massive smiles like this:

Although Tenley couldn't swing very high she had fun watching Gracie:

While we had to carry Tenley everywhere, Grace had fun running everywhere:

Tenley even LOVED the slides!!

First, she went down this tiny slide with Daddy:

Then, went down a bigger one:

 Since she loveddd those, baby girl went down this 'Big Momma' slide:

 I was so jealous of their fun that I had to try it with her:


Little monk even swung on the monkey bars with Daddy:

She even got kisses from Gracie while climbing the rocks:

We then took a quick break and posed for a pic of 'The Five Girls':

Tenley had to stop and see the doggies, of course:

Daddy had so much fun with munch...

...and she was sooo pooped from all the fun!

She even passed out as soon as we started driving home:

Wow! What a great day...

 When Ed and I got in the car I said, "I can't believe how much fun that was!" 
I didn't think Tenley was old enough to enjoy the park, but she loved it and didn't fuss once. It was a total success in my eyes. She loved the swings, slides and loved observing everything around her. Playing with Grace was fun, too. I can't believe how big she has gotten! It's hard to believe that Ed and I will be chasing Tenley around like that soon and we'll be the ones needing naps after the park. 

To be quite honest, Ed and I had so much fun acting like kids. I felt like such a kid going down the slides and I was absolutely giddy watching Eddie and Teddy have so much fun together! I just love the two of them to pieces. They totally melt my heart to a pile of mush.

After how well this park day went I am beyond excited for the summer.
Park days, pool days, lake days, BBQs, and so much more. It's going to be so much fun.
Can't wait! :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekly Update

First of all, let me start by saying I don't know how you Moms wake up every 2 hours at night. God bless you! For 2 1/2 lovely/glorious/heavenly months Tenley slept from 8 pm - 6 or 7 am ...without waking up at all!! Then, I'd feed her and she'd go back to bed until 8 or 9 am. Welllllll for over a week now she has been waking up at 4 and 6 am; which made me think she was going through yet another growth spurt. After it lasted over a week and I had the Monday from HELL I began to think it was something else... 

Monday started off with Tenley being super sweet so I was positive that our trip to the grocery stores for our Valentine's Day shopping would be a piece of cake.

We went from this sweet angel:

To this after 5 minutes of driving:

Normally I don't take pictures of Tenley when she is crying, but this was on a whole other level and Ed sometimes says, "She's so good when I'm home at night. Sometimes I think you make this stuff up." So here's the proof. You can't see it very well, but there is a huge tear halfway down her chunky cheek. I was going to take a video, but it felt too wrong on all sorts of levels (the picture was bad enough). I sat in my car for over an hour taking her in and out of her car seat trying to soothe her. She didn't want to eat. Didn't need a diaper change. She was happy in my arms, but how am I supposed to grocery shop while holding her and shopping by myself? Sometimes I think being a stay at home mom could be a sport. It is beyond challenging when you have to do all the errands alone. Since holding her and shopping was out of the question I strapped her in the car seat, covered her so she wasn't distracted and rocked her on my lap...

Seriously... being a mother is taking multitasking to a whole other level!! After over an hour of her screaming and me breaking down in tears myself, I gave up. Yupp, I took my screaming baby into the Walmart Neighborhood Market. How could I play cupid for my awesome hubby otherwise? Yes, I'm that annoying Mom with the screaming baby, sorry shoppers... 

After that stop we still had to go buy the meats and veggies at Fresh and Easy. Luckily, lil' munch tired herself out and fell asleep for that store.

By the time Eddie got home, Tenley was back to her sweet self so I could look like 'psycho Mommy'! 
(Good thing I had pics to prove I wasn't crazy...)

She even read books with Daddy, then passed out:

(Tired from all the screaming, I assume...)

The next day we celebrated Valentine's Day and baby was having a much better day!

Since she was still waking up for that extra feeding at 4 am and not napping for more than 15 minutes during the day I started to do some research. Trouble napping, extra night wakings, extra drool and chomping on everything... Tenley had all the signs of teething so I felt her gums and felt what seemed to be a tooth coming through on the top. Weird because babies usually get their first tooth on the bottom, but our lil' munch usually colors outside the lines...

Her gums were extra swollen so she was extra cranky all week, but we still went about our normal business to keep her distracted. After all, the tooth could play hide and seek and this process could last months so no need to hide out.

She was super excited for her play date with Sofia...

...and they had a starring contest!

She's also learned to pull out her bink:

She's been chomping on her teething toys:

She even had a second play date with Sofia while Daddy babysat so Karina and Mommy could go spinning (and Mommy could get out of the house for an hour):
(Thanks, Ed! Seriously BEST HUSBAND award right there!)

She chomped on her pooh towel after bath time:

She has even been sleeping in her crib for the entire night:

Friday's drool kicked up a notch:

Baby cuddled with Daddy before bed:

We had a gorgeous day Saturday, so we introduced Tenley to our backyard:

She loved the texture of the turf:

And enjoyed being in the sun:

Even Pearl had fun playing outside:

After playing outside Tenley blew out her diaper so she had a quick outfit change and we decided against socks since we hardly get to see her sweet lil' toes so I snapped some pics of those delicious piggies:

Before bath time, I caught Tenley and Daddy watching 'Bolt'... it's Tenley's favorite because she thinks it's Pearl and apparently Daddy thinks it's a good one too:

Karina gave me a Amber Teething Necklace to use and ever since we started using it Tenley has been napping again. At night we wrap it around her ankle:

After sleeping with the necklace Tenley woke up in a good mood on Sunday and started making crawling motions on her playgym:

Karina, John and Sofs came over Sunday night for pasta dinner and another play date. 

Sofia slept during dinner...

While Tenley tested out her highchair for the first time:

Silly girl would pick up her arms and slam them down on the tray over and over again to get our attention. It was so funny! She is such a smarty pants.

Lil' Sofs woke up after dinner...

...and the girls had a dance party!

Until Tenley decided it'd be fun to body slam her! ;)

Although this was a rough week (with Tenley teething), it was full of fun and exciting new things. Ed and I can't believe our baby is teething and sitting in a highchair... It's sad to think that we don't have our sweet angelic baby that just sleeps in our arms all day. Now she has play dates with her best friend, smiles, giggles and sits in her highchair like a big girl. Life is so much fun with her in it, even if she keeps me up at night and screams at me every now and then.

Until next week! :)
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