Friday, November 28, 2014

Truly Thankful

The kids woke up in fantastic moods Thanksgiving morning. Tenley and I danced like Rockettes for a bit, then the kids played so nicely together while watching Frozen (Evie's favorite):

Then it was time to make our FaceTime rounds. Technology is such a beautiful thing and being able to see our family when we're so far away on the holidays is oh so wonderful. Tenley got to see Grandma Cath, Grandpa Jim, Great Grammy So-Vay, her Uncles and got to show her cousins her new dance moves or "dance moobs" as she calls them. Christopher and Jayla even showed Tenley some dance moves of their own:

After FaceTiming with my side of the fam, we FaceTimed with Ed's whole side of the fam and Tenley was as animated as ever singing 'Let it Go' on the ottoman for everyone to see (center of attention, as always). Truly, I don't know what we'd do without FaceTime these days, the kids love to see their family.

Tenley decided she needed a quick nap after our FaceTime sessions so we got the twins ready for their very first Thanksgiving and OH MY! did they look over-the-top adorable. Like, I can't handle these pictures:

(Her feet!! Can you handle it?!)

Big sister woke up and got in on the Thanksgiving picture fun: 

Then, we were off to our turkey dinner destination- The Rices. They had everything set up so beautifully and way too much food. The girls loved the "kid's table" and their adorable turkey hats. Everything was perfect:

The kids had so much fun playing together before capping off the night with some ice cream:

(Thanks so much for having us, Linds, Mason and Isla!)

We have so much to be thankful for this year. We started the year by welcoming two perfect babies into the world who continue to enrich our life daily. We're extremely grateful for my mom's recovery from open heart surgery in July. Tenley started preschool in September and is doing so well. This has been an amazing, yet difficult year that has been full of adjustments and learning curves. We couldn't have done it without all of the amazing family and friends in our lives; which is what we are truly thankful for every day. We love you all and hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Weekly Update

The babes made their way into our bed throughout the night, per usual, and rather then sleep I chose to watch them sleep while I enjoyed my morning coffee:

Monday was super chilly so the twins finally got to use their adorable hats from their Great Aunt Jewie. They loved the long strings so much that I kept the hats on them after we dropped Tenley off at school. I mean, they were just too adorable to take off, anyways:

(Look at her cracking up!!)

(Twin rivalry...these two are always going at it, I swear.)

(He climbs EVERYTHING!!)

Usually the twins nap while T is in school, but since they slept in the three of us actually got to spend some quality time together and it was so nice. I really cherish my alone time with my babies, but I do miss Tenley when she's gone (even if I do have to tell her not to kick her brother and sister over and over again).

Tenley learned about the letter 'I' at school and was so excited to show us the awesome 'Indian Village' she made at school:

She also made sure to put on her owl hat as soon as she walked in the door. 'Cause you know she's gotta match her brudda and sista:

(Thanks Aunt Jul!! The kids love their hats!)

The kids played together so nicely on Tuesday...Ev practiced standing, Tenley read books and Wes chewed on things:

Tenley "helped" me vacuum and was so funny vacuuming in her full-on dress-up gear. I tried convincing her to take off her heels while she vacuumed so she didn't hurt herself and she said, "no, Momma. I need me heels on all da time!" I don't think I've worn heels since she's been born so I really don't know where she gets this from:

The kiddos played together nicely when Tenley got home from school:

I made this delicious creamy pesto chicken dinner and the kids loved it:

The twins even helped clean up after dinner:

The twins woke up early to play Thursday morning:

I got the twins ready for T's dance class and Evie showed off her standing skills. She was so proud of herself, too. I tried to get Wes to stand next to her, but he preferred to lean on the couch instead:

Tenley asked me to take her picture before dance and obviously, I couldn't say no...she looked so adorable (and so big!):

They got a new girl in their class- Sophie- and she is so sweet. All the girls did so well and Tenley had so much fun:

Wes climbs onto everything and Tenley's table was no exception for this little dude:

The twins were wide awake that night and we tried everything to get them to sleep. We decided to just put them in their cribs and let them "cry it out". Instead of "crying it out", Wes decided to wander around his crib, while Ev played peek-a-boo with him:

The Rices bought Tenley the cutest 'Best Friend' raglan tee for her birthday so, of course, we took a million pictures while they played together Friday morning. I really don't think these BFF's could get any cuter:

(Thanks guys!!)

After we blinded them with flashes, our future ballerinas danced to Namay music:

Wes practiced walking with his walker while blowing bubbles:

We got our family photos from last Sunday back.

There was a craft fair to support Foothill High School's Choir in Tenley's school parking lot Saturday morning so her and I had a little mommy-daughter date planned that morning. As we were leaving she told Ed, "Bye, Daddy! I will see you later, ok? I love you, ok? (and gave him a big hug and kiss)" It was the sweetest thing! She was so excited and even brought her princess credit card to shop with. We had fun "fake paying" Miss Marsha for hugs, buying a Christmas wreath (wish they took princess credit cards), then shopping at Target and visiting Olaf:

When we got home, Ev showed us her new moves:

Wes continued his nighttime partying and we were exhausted and desperate for a break so we broke out the pack and play and put on some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and this boy was in heaven:

The twins are constantly walking around on furniture or standing up. They're getting so strong:

I made homemade pasta and meatballs for dinner and our little Italian babies chowed down on it:

Until next time! :)

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