Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weekly Update

Tenley is a total trip these days. Her newest thing (besides bringing her cell phone and "game" [fake iPad]) everywhere is insisting on bringing her "cobbee" every time she leaves the house:
(If you ask me, she looks just like her Pop-Pop when he leaves the house!)

By total coincidence Tenley and Isla wore the same dress to swim lessons on Monday and they looked so stinkin' adorable that I get tears in my eyes when I look at this picture:

After naps Monday afternoon Ev cuddled with me on the couch and decided it was still time to sleep. She looked so peaceful in my arms as she dreamed:

Ed has been very fortunate with work for the past 4 years and we're so beyond grateful for that. On Monday he got word that the other trades at his current job are behind; which means that they can't complete their work. In other words, Ed and all the workers in his trade were sent home until they are ready to start again (next Thursday). Fingers crossed the other trades step up their game so he only has a little over a week off. We're being optimistic and trying to look on the bright side of things- getting to spend more time together as a family! Since Ed got off earlier, we had an early dinner and decided to take the kids to the Springs Preserve for the first time. On the way there we saw some gnarly clouds:

The kids loved exploring the rocks on the way to the dinosaur exhibit:

When we walked into the dinosaur exhibit Tenley and Wes were kinda freakin' out, while Ev could careless and kept it moving. She was more into digging for fossils:

Tenley eventually warmed up to the dinosaurs and even pretended like she was being attacked by one before hitching a ride:

The kids loved the 'Build a City' foam board outside and especially loved seeing all the animals:

Tenley did great at swim on Tuesday and when we got home she was being super sweet on Evie. She kept telling her how she was, "going to teach her to swim, dance and  use da potty. I gonna love you borever!" She was melting my heart and surprisingly Evie was enjoying the hugs from big sis, too (she usually only likes snuggles from mommy):

All the snuggles really tired Evie out:

We met Ed's brother and his fam at this yummy new pizza place, Blaze, then went to a fun park in Anthem that really tired the kids out for bed:

The twins had fun playing at swim on Wednesday. They were so exhausted from the sun that they went down for their naps as soon as we got home:

The kids played hard Thursday morning and even cheered the girls on:

Isla and Tenley are now in their 4th week of swim lessons and starting to do more on their own. Today, Tenley told the instructor that she wanted to do the kick board by herself and I was in shock. She loves to be in the water now:

The girls always have to say bye to Kiwi, Mrs. Limey and Mr. Peach:

The kids slept pretty good so we grabbed some munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts and headed to O'Callaghan Park- the best park for shade in this heat! We laid down a blanket under a massive tree and attempted to eat some donuts, but the twins decided to play tag instead:

After snackin' on some donuts we burned some energy at the park:

(Love this guy!!)

The twins napped so good after our busy morning, but I could not get over how long Moosey Man looked while he napped:

Tenley made us so proud on Friday; she was swimming like a fish! Girlfriend was swimming to the edge by herself, then swimming back and forth:

We were just amazed at how much she has learned and I'm so happy Ed was able to see how much she has learned, too. One things for sure, the kids sure have fun at swim lessons:

After naps we took the kids to Pat's to get in even more swim practice and we had a blast hanging out in the sun with our besties! Tenley was cracking us all up because she kept wanting to jump in the water and kept saying she was going to do a back flip into the pool. Every time she jumped to Ed she'd yell, "step back!" I mean, she has zero fear of the water now:

Tenley began to be too much of a risk-taker so we had to put floaties on her because one of us was bound to have a heart attack! The kids were floating around the pool, jumping in and chasing each other on the jet ski:

We finally lured the kids out of the pool with popsicles and Wes really enjoyed smearing his all around his belly and sticking his hands in his pants:

(ALL BOY...minus the pink chair.)

I capped the evening off with a Wes/Sailor sandwich:
(We can't thank Pat enough for having us over...we had the best time!!)

Saturday, "National Dance Day", was the girls last day of dance and they had so much fun at class together:

(The girls were completely in their own world while the rest of the class practiced something or other together.)

We were supposed to go to Tenley's Dance Cast Party Saturday afternoon, but we decided to ditch last minute and go to Cowabunga Bay with the Rices instead:

The kids were so cute and cuddly after baths Saturday night. Seeing how much they love each other just makes my heart melt:

Wes was super cranky Sunday and just wanted to nap on mommy (with his eyes open):

Luckily, his nap made him much happier and he woke up feeling great! The kids played dress-up so nicely together. Wes put on his pants himself and it looked like he was wearing a loincloth. Tenley loved accessorizing the twins:

Our week was busier than usual since Ed was home and we were able to do more, but it was also such a good week! 

I'll leave you with a picture that makes me laugh every time: 

Until next time! :)
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