Monday, May 22, 2017

Weekly Update

The combination of school and swim lessons has truly exhausted the kids. Even though they're exhausted Ev is the only one who managed to sleep in:

Monday was a gloomy day so I weeded the front and backyard while the twins played nicely close by:

After that, we were off to swim lessons. Luckily Mr. Aaron brought everyone Starbucks cake pops so Wes happily got into the pool:

Tenley loves to swim and is doing so well with Miss Juliet:

Tuesday was the first school day that Wes was smiley because he was excited to do anything other than swim lessons; he hates swim lessons because he doesn't like doing anything by himself. The happy drop-off made for a nice change of pace:

When I dropped them off I had some alone time with T, then dropped her off at swim before it was pick-up time again. This schedule, with 3 kids, is rough to say the least. Wes was ok with going to swim as long as he was last. Ev, my little mermaid, was happy because girlfriend loves to swim:

While Ev was in the pool we walked around Patty's neighborhood and ate lunch:

Finally it was Wes' turn and he got in the pool with minimal struggle:

Wednesday morning the twins and I did some shopping at The District:

After shopping, we were off to swim lessons. Wes went first and did well! Miss Juliet said she thinks going first is best for him so his anxiety of being alone doesn't build. He showed me how well he floats:

While T was swimming like a fish, the twins and I walked to the park:

While I was at work Wednesday evening Ed texted me pictures for my client, Kristine. She bought the kids this massive giraffe because she's the sweetest and the kids loved it and played on it all night:
(Thanks, Kristine!! You are the best!!)

The next morning the kids had a cuddle session on the giraffe:

While the twins were at school Tenley and I got our hair cut. With our busy schedule, I ended up leaving with wet hair and barely made it to swim in time:

Ev is getting so good and it so funny seeing her little body swimming:

While Ev was in the pool, we hung out with the Holmes crew at the park:

Ev slept in super late (with Pearly) Friday morning:

You know those days where everything just goes wrong and the whining seems endless? Well, that was Friday (and everyday leading to it)! Wes was refusing to go to swim, refusing to get in the car, screaming through Tenley's school drop-off... the whole she-bang! When we got to Patty's he wouldn't get out of the car because I didn't bring his mini Power Rangers (only his regular ones). I had to force him out of the car, then he wouldn't walk... legit laying down on the hot black pavement. I had to pick him up and carry him to the backyard all while being kicked and screamed at. Of course, everyone (Miss Juliet, Patty and Stevie) were in the backyard waiting for Liam to be done. Juliet said, "just toss him to me!' and Patty said, "go sit in the house. I'll get him in the pool.", but I took Miss Juliet's "toss him in the pool" literally and said, "no, she wants me to toss him...I'm going to be the one to throw him in!!" I was mortified, but couldn't stop myself. It felt so good to throw him in that pool. I retired to Patty's kitchen after that, while Wes was fine in the pool with Miss Juliet. He is ALL SHOW. Then, freakin' Patty had to go pick up her oldest from Kinder and came back with everything to make Bellini's because she's the best:

(Thanks, Patty!!!!)

Wes did amazing after being tossed in and when he was done I got him out and made sure he knew that I'd throw him in every time he acted like that. Then, Patty gave him a donut and all was right in his little world:

Once all the kids arrived at Patty's we loaded outside for our first pool party of the season:

(Just missing Hudson and Beckham!)

(Of course he was the last one out of the pool...)

It's been slow at school because they've been getting ready for their program, but Tenley brought these things home this week and I love the American Flag heart:

Evie was Line Leader at dance class Saturday morning and was so excited to lead the class:

Tenley was so excited for class and was the first one there:

Ed and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary Saturday evening! We went to the new 'Nora's' and it was so pretty and way bigger than the old one! The food was delish, and I had the best view of the wine wall (and Ed, of course!):

The babysitter sent us this video of Tenley dancing before bed:

Wes had been coughing all week and Ev woke up coughing on Sunday. I feel like they're always coughing, but just in case they were sick we kept them home from Beckham's first birthday party. Ev was sad she wasn't going, but happy I let her put on matching lipstick:

Beckham's first wedding 'Donut Grow Up' birthday was so stinkin' adorable!! Brit totally over-did it, but I didn't expect anything less from her:

(Happy 1st birthday, sweet boy!!)

Sunday was actually our anniversary and we spent it relaxing in the backyard with the kids, for the most part. The kid's new giraffe and sprinkler was a big hit:
(Happy Anniversary, Ed!! You da best!! Love you!!)

Since Carll got into town yesterday we invited him over for dinner and had a great time catching up with him:
(Soon enough, Aim!!)

What a fun/crazy/stressful/good/busy/chaotic week we've had! I hate how fast time is flying by... 7 years of marriage with 3 kids, we're both working, the kids are learning to swim, Crosby is almost here, best friends are moving to Henderson, Tenley starts Kindergarten soon!! So many fun and exciting things are happening and I'm so grateful I have Ed by my side to do it all with. We are so blessed!! 

Until next week! :)
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