Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Weekly Update

Wes has been Stage 5 Clinger status for awhile, but he made it exceptionally hard to cook breakfast Monday morning:

 The weather was super gloomy as we drove Tenley Bear to school and I was loving it:

It's another review week for T and they focused on the most recent letters they learned: 'Q', 'D' and 'U'. During free play time, Tenley also drew a picture of Addy and herself, each with their own sun:

 When the kids and I picked up Tenley, we went straight to the pediatrician because the twins have been coughing for weeks; which I assumed was just from allergies since it was just a cough. Wes recently developed a wheeze so I wanted to get them checked, just in case. They were being so rambunctious in the waiting room, but still so dang cute:

Evie checked out just fine, but they said Wes had fluid in every lobe of his lungs. They put him on breathing treatments every 4 hours and an oral steroid. Luckily, he has still been his silly self so they got lollipops for being such good kiddos:

The twins napped so good as it rained outside; which made for one peaceful house:

Since the weather was still crappy, I decided to take the kids to Fun Lane Indoor Play Tuesday morning. Tenley was so excited and got herself ready to play:

We had so much fun playing together! Usually we meet friends there, but since it was so last minute it was just the 4 of us. I loved that they wanted me to play with them instead of just running around with their friends. I enjoyed our time and the kids really loved doing crafts there:

When I got home I noticed a package on the doormat; which sweetened my day even more since it was new workout pants from Lululemon. Nothing like Lulu to motivate you to get in the gym:

 In addition to reviewing, Tenley is also learning about baby animals. She matched up the baby animals with their momma's and only missed a couple:

She was so excited when she came home because Addy brought her a picture:

Coach Linds and I couldn't get the Bulls to focus at practice on Wednesday night. Tenley had ants in her pants and just couldn't wait to play after practice:

Wes had his follow up Thursday morning and the pediatrician said that his sinuses were so swollen that it's possible he has some insane allergy issues. Good news is that his lungs were clear; which meant suckers for everyone:

After the doctors, we headed to the salon to get Wes' second big boy haircut. Little man loves getting his hair cut. He just sat there checkin' himself out the entire time:

We tried something different this time and Wes left looking like a total stud:

He was diggin' his new haircut and hamming it up when we got home:

While Wes napped in my bed, Ev fell asleep in Tenley's bed:

While Tenley was at school Friday morning, Wes fell asleep leaning on me (oops!). I knew this meant he wasn't going to take a nap, but I couldn't bring myself to wake him:

Tenley was so excited to show us the kitty mask that she made at school. So excited that she was a kitty, panting like a dog:

Tenley must be the "Evie whisperer" because she managed to put her to sleep again (or those stupid YouTube videos put her to sleep!):

Pure Barre really kicked my seat Friday night, but the best part about getting out of the house to workout was seeing my girls waiting for me at the window:

Ev woke up vomiting Saturday morning so Ed had to miss Tenley's second basketball game. We had to leave really early since the game was at 8am. On the way there I broke the news to Tenley that Isla wouldn't be there because she was in Cleveland and you would've thought I set the world on fire. I had to step up as the coach for this game and Tenley refused to play without Isla. She stood by my side as I cheered on her team. She finally decided to go in during the last quarter and I was proud of her for deciding to join her team, even if it was late in the game:

After basketball, I took Tenley and Wes to Nora's 3rd birthday party at Fun Lane Indoor Play. I really missed having Ev and Ed there, but the kids had so much fun dressing up, playing and eating cupcakes with their friends:

(Happy birthday, Nora!!)

When we got home Ev was resting on the couch and I couldn't get over how big she looked:

Ed was being extra sweet on me and brought me home the prettiest bouquet of roses:
(You're the best, babe!)

Ev woke up feeling like her normal self Sunday morning so I spent the morning at a Pure Barre workshop- 'Breaking Down the Barre'. After the workshop, I went and picked up the fam for a 'Barre in the Park' meet-up. The kids played hard for a good 2 hours:

Shortly after we got home, Ev started vomitting a lot. No fever or anything, just weird! It was awful and she ended up falling asleep on me around 6 o'clock:

When I carried her to her bed she threw up all over me, then again in her bed after being cleaned up. I couldn't bare the thought of her getting sick in the middle of the night so she slept cuddled up next to me all night.

Here's to hoping it passes quickly! Until next time...

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